Casey Autism Spectrum Support (CASS) is a community group run by volunteers. Our funding comes mainly from membership and fundraising.
Membership gives you access to the social activity groups (which may have an additional cost), support group meetings, the CASS quarterly newsletter, regular email updates and discounts to all CASS workshops/conferences etc.
Membership is annual.
- $30 – individual or single parent membership
- $55 – family membership
- $80 – institutional membership
To apply for membership, complete the form below. The membership fee can be paid:
- In person at a CASS activity
Membership application:
By submitting this membership form, I acknowledge that as a member of Casey Autism Spectrum Support Inc (CASS), I must abide by the Rules of the Association and the CASS Code of Conduct while attending CASS Events and/or whilst accessing CASS online or on social media. (The Rules and Code are available for viewing on request).
- I take full responsibility for the safety and well-being of family members and friends whom I bring along to CASS activities.
- I acknowledge that photographs may be taken of myself and/or my family during CASS activities. If I don’t want such images used in CASS promotion and publicity, I can let the Committee know at the time of the photos being taken